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India: The Hotbed of New Innovations

Today, India is a captivating market full of potential and promise. Government initiatives to boost IT infrastructure and education coupled with global exposure have made India the hub for development and innovation. The start-up market in India is thriving and a new wave of entrepreneurial spirit is driving them. With global know-how, Indian start-ups can scale-up and nurture global ambitions.

Kyyba Innovations understands firsthand the important role India plays in the global startup ecosystem. Through Kyyba Innovations’ Pitch Club India, we plan to reach out to the common man and provide them with opportunities to unveil their remarkable and diverse innovations. Along with technological innovations, we are in search of those hidden and non-technological innovations that can change the world. We are coming to India to identify those hidden gems, provide them with access to funding, business resources and mentoring, and help them connect to the existing Pitch Club audience in the American market.

Pitch Club Michigan, a Kyyba Innovations initiative was launched in September 2017, to create a platform for startups seeking mentoring and investment to showcase their newly formed companies to investors and funding experts. We strive for cross pollination by bringing startup ecosystems together to increase economic and business growth around the world. To learn more about Pitch Club Michigan, you can visit our website

Startup Criteria

  • Pitch Club is industry agnostic, so every startup is welcome. Do you have something “game changing”, then Pitch Club is probably the place for you.
  • We are looking for early stage companies with something more than just an idea. Companies should already have a proof of concept or prototype built.
  • Want to grab our attention? Show us what your unique selling point is. The stronger your business model the better your chances are.
  • Show us why you need the funding you are seeking! Do your research and come prepared. Investors examine your financial plan to see if you accurately understand the cash needs of your business in order to meet milestones.

How does the process work?

  • Pitch Club India will be accepting applications.
  • 10 companies will be chosen to present at the Pitch Club event in each city.

Steps in the process:

  • Application Drive – Startups must complete an application. Application deadline is June 1st, 2019.
  • Screening and Selection of Presenters – Kyyba Innovations investment team will screen and selects companies. Selected companies will be notified, introduced to their mentor, provided pitch criteria and deadlines.
  • Coaching Session with assigned Mentor. Startups will have up to 2 months to meet with their assigned mentor prior to Pitch Club in their city.
  • Pitch Club event, featuring Investor panel and Guest Keynote. Startups will pitch their business to a panel of judges who will provide them in person feedback. Judges will also complete detailed feedback forms, with suggested milestones to complete after the event.